As of 30th September 2024, the Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce Pension Plan is pleased to provide an update on the Net Asset Value (NAV) of its funds. The NAV is an important indicator of the value of the pension plan’s investments, and we encourage all members to stay informed about the performance of their selected funds. Below is a summary of the September NAV figures and one-year performance for each of the Chamber Pension Plan’s Lifecycle Funds.

Lifecycle Fund Performance (as of 30th September 2024)
Income Conservative Fund
NAV: CI$3.29560
1-Year Performance: 11.49%
Income Growth Fund
NAV: CI$3.47250
1-Year Performance: 17.10%
2030 Fund
NAV: CI$3.72400
1-Year Performance: 20.25%
2040 Fund
NAV: CI$4.32210
1-Year Performance: 25.01%
2050 Fund
NAV: CI$4.71080
1-Year Performance: 29.03%
2060 Fund
NAV: CI$2.52580
1-Year Performance: 31.45%
Understanding NAV and What It Means for You
The NAV represents the per-unit value of each fund within the Chamber Pension Plan. It reflects the performance of the investments made on behalf of members and is updated monthly. By tracking the NAV of your selected fund, you can get a clear picture of how your pension is growing over time.
Each Lifecycle Fund is tailored to meet the needs of members based on their expected retirement date. As members approach retirement, their investments are gradually shifted to more conservative options to help preserve capital and reduce risk.
Factors Impacting Fund Performance
The strong one-year performance across all funds can be attributed to a favourable global economic environment, prudent investment strategies, and active portfolio management by our professional fund managers, BlackRock and Income Research + Management (IR+M). The Chamber Pension Plan’s commitment to shrewd investing continues to yield significant benefits for members, delivering steady growth in the face of global market fluctuations.
Stay Engaged with Your Pension
We encourage all members to regularly review the performance of their pension funds. If you have any questions about the NAV or need assistance selecting the best fund for your retirement goals, please reach out to us at or visit for more information.
Stay informed and proactive about your financial future. The Chamber Pension Plan is here to support you every step of the way.