As of 31 October 2024, the Net Asset Values (NAV) and 1-year performance of the Chamber Pension Plan's Lifecycle Funds are as follows:
Income Conservative Fund: NAV of $3.22300, with a 1-year performance of 14.51%.
Income Growth Fund: NAV of $3.39610, with a 1-year performance of 16.82%.
2030 Fund: NAV of $3.64450, with a 1-year performance of 20.35%.
2040 Fund: NAV of $4.23390, with a 1-year performance of 25.68%.
2050 Fund: NAV of $4.61810, with a 1-year performance of 30.18%.
2060 Fund: NAV of $2.47750, with a 1-year performance of 33.00%.
The 2060 Fund demonstrated the strongest performance with a 1-year return of 33.00%, reflecting a more aggressive investment mix suitable for those further from retirement.
The 2050 Fund followed closely with a return of 30.18%, while the 2040 Fund delivered a robust return of 25.68%.
The conservative funds, designed for members closer to or in retirement, performed steadily, ensuring reduced risk exposure.
These values underline the Chamber Pension Plan's commitment to offering diversified, age-appropriate investment strategies through our Lifecycle Funds, designed to support members’ retirement goals effectively.
For any questions about your fund selection or performance, feel free to contact our team at admin@pensions.ky or visit our website at www.chamberpension.ky.